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nsNiuniuSkin Installer Configuration Guide

Browsing History: 122Date: 2023-12-04

To facilitate a better understanding and application of the configuration process during the installation package creation, we have organized the configuration of nsNiuniuSkin from manual configuration to fully automated integration, providing comprehensive explanations and instructions!

We will use the leeqia_mountain template as an example to demonstrate how to configure and package:

Pre-read Before Actual Operation

Before formally starting the configuration, there are a few points that need to be explained:

.                                7z compression tool and python, bat packaging scripts                         
├── FilesToInstall               Directory for the list of files to be packaged
├── Helper                       Packaging auxiliary tools
├── NiuNiuCaptureElectronDemo    Electron project example (for demonstrating how to package Electron programs)
├── NSIS                         Files related to the NSIS packaging tool
├── Output                       Directory for storing completed packaging files
├── SetupScripts                 Core nsis script for packaging
│   └── leeqia_mountain          Location of nsi files and installation/uninstallation icons
│       ├── LanguageFiles        Language translation files
│       └── skin                 Configuration files for the installation interface
│           └── images           Images required for the installation interface
└── Sign                         Signing scripts

1. UI Modifications Necessary for the Installation Package Interface

Regardless of the packaging method used, essential UI modifications need to be made, such as replacing icons and certain prompt messages on the interface. Our UI template has been designed to be as simple and aesthetic as possible. After replacing some icons, you should be able to use it directly as the installation package interface for your product.

If you are not familiar with duilib's interface configuration, we do not recommend modifying the layout of the interface. Try to replace only the images with those of the original size. In the SetupScripts\leeqia_mountain\skin directory, files related to UI are stored:

Filename Description
install.xml This is a master script that includes the title bar, shadows, and language selection box.
configpage.xml Configure the first interface displayed when the installation package is opened. It is also used for selecting the installation path.
licensepage.xml Configure the license agreement display interface.
installingpage.xml Interface during the installation process.
finishpage.xml Interface after the installation is complete.
uninstallpage.xml Uninstallation entry interface.
uninstallingpage.xml Interface during the uninstallation process.
uninstallfinishpage.xml Interface after uninstallation is complete.
msgBox.xml Secondary popup window.

The above XML can be edited in a text tool, and modifications to attributes should refer to the attribute list of duilib_ultimate. Additionally, we provide an online preview and debugging tool that allows you to preview all interface effects without repackaging. This will significantly increase the efficiency of your interface modifications. See the following link:



2. Manual Configuration and Packaging Process

Manual configuration and packaging are suitable for projects where product and version information does not change frequently. For example, if you have a product with information on the installation package (mainly version information) that does not change often, configuring and packaging in this way is the most time-efficient.

2.1 Modify Product Information for Packaging

In the soft_setup.nsi file, modify the following macro definitions according to your project:

# ====================== Custom Macros for Product Information==============================
!define /ifndef PRODUCT_NAME           		"利洽科技截图控件"		#Product name
!define /ifndef PRODUCT_NAME_EN           	"Leeqia ScreenCapture"	#English product name
!define /ifndef PRODUCT_PATHNAME			"Leeqia_Capture"  		#KEY used for installation and uninstallation, same as the guid in Electron
!define /ifndef INSTALL_APPEND_PATH         "Leeqia_Capture"	 	#Name appended to the installation path
!define /ifndef INSTALL_DEFALT_SETUPPATH    "$PROGRAMFILES32\${INSTALL_APPEND_PATH}"       #Default generated installation path
!define /ifndef EXE_NAME               		"NiuNiuCapture.exe"			#Main program EXE file name
!define /ifndef PRODUCT_VERSION        		""				#Version number
!define /ifndef PRODUCT_PUBLISHER      		"Leeqia"				#Publisher
!define /ifndef PRODUCT_LEGAL          		"Leeqia Copyright (c) 2020"	#Copyright information
!define /ifndef INSTALL_MODE_ALL_USERS 		"all"					# all current, whether to install for all users, default is yes, affects registry, shortcuts, start menu, etc.
!define /ifndef INSTALL_EXECUTION_LEVEL 	"admin"					# If INSTALL_MODE_ALL_USERS is current, please synchronize this to user (RequestExecutionLevel none|user|highest|admin)
!define /ifndef INSTALL_OUTPUT_NAME    		"Test_PC_Setup_v2.5.0.exe"	#Default setup package name, controlled by bat
!define /ifndef INSTALL_LOCATION_KEY 		"InstPath"				#Default key value for installation location in the registry
# ====================== The specific macro definitions above can be pre-defined in the pre_define.nsh file, and can be arbitrarily specified as other values ==============================

2.2 Modify License Agreement File

In the leeqia_mountain directory, there is an rtf document named according to the language ID. Modify its content accordingly. If there are new language license agreement files, please add them.

2.3 Copy Files to be Packaged to FilesToInstall Directory

Copy the files to be installed to the FilesToInstall directory. The packaging script will compress and package this directory (including multi-level subdirectories). This step is generally used in the testing phase; in the actual packaging process, copying is usually automated through scripts.

2.4 Execute the Appropriate Script to Build the Specified Package

Double-click the specified bat file to complete the packaging:

Filename Description
build-leeqia_mountain.bat Compresses the files into 7z.app before packaging
build-leeqia_mountain-nozip.bat Packages the files directly
build-leeqia_mountain-online.bat Packages the online installation package and generates online data packet files and configurations simultaneously

After going through the above process, doesn't packaging seem really simple? With just five steps, you can create your own installation!

3. Python Command-Line Automated Configuration and Packaging

In order to integrate more conveniently into existing packaging processes, we have developed a set of command-line interfaces using Python. You no longer need to modify macro definitions in the soft_setup.nsi file; you only need to control it through the command-line parameters of our package.py.

The reason this can be set up this way is because NSIS macro definitions support the /ifndef attribute, indicating that it should only be defined if not defined before this. In our soft_setup.nsi file, we first import a file called pre_define.nsh at the top. If a macro is already defined in pre_define.nsh, it will take precedence.

In fact, NSIS itself also supports passing macro definitions through the command line. In this case, the priority of a macro being effective is:

NSIS Command Line   >   pre_define.nsh  > soft_setup.nsi

With this premise, in the package.py, we convert the received command-line parameters into NSIS macro definitions and write them to the pre_define.nsh file. This way, we achieve parameterization of configuration information during packaging.

3.1 Command Line Parameters Description

The package.py has various specific parameters, as follows:

optional arguments:
  -h,                          --help                     show this help message and exit
  --log_dir                    LOG_DIR                    if None, log will be written to console
  --project_name               PROJECT_NAME               the project name, eg: leeqia_moutain
  --package_mode               PACKAGE_MODE               the package mode, 0:7z, 1:nozip, 2: online
  --need_sign                  NEED_SIGN                  check if sign uninstall and setup file
  --build_for_electron         BUILD_FOR_ELECTRON         check if build for electron, if True, we will call npm build in scripts
  --electron_build_path        ELECTRON_BUILD_PATH        electron build path, the dir path of package.json
  --generate_latest_file       GENERATE_LATEST_FILE       check if generate latest.yml for electron-updater
  --files_toinstall_name       FILES_TOINSTALL_NAME       local directory name for nsNiuniuSkin, FilesToInstall default
  --auto_write_uninst          AUTO_WRITE_UNINST          check if generate uninstall automatically, default False
  --uninst_file_name           UNINST_FILE_NAME           the uninstall file name
  --src_files_dir              SRC_FILES_DIR              the unpacked file path, if specified, we will copy the files to [files_toinstall_name] and package them
  --PRODUCT_NAME               PRODUCT_NAME               setup file name, if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --PRODUCT_NAME_EN            PRODUCT_NAME_EN            setup file name, if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --INSTALL_OUTPUT_NAME        INSTALL_OUTPUT_NAME        setup file name, if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --PRODUCT_VERSION            PRODUCT_VERSION            the package version, if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --EXE_NAME                   EXE_NAME                   the main exe name, if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --INSTALL_LOCATION_KEY       INSTALL_LOCATION_KEY       the install localtion key, if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --INSTALL_APPEND_PATH        INSTALL_APPEND_PATH        the append path when install, if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --PRODUCT_PATHNAME           PRODUCT_PATHNAME           the identity in reg, if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --INSTALL_DEFALT_SETUPPATH   INSTALL_DEFALT_SETUPPATH   the default setup path, if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --TEST_SLEEP                 TEST_SLEEP                 if True, it will sleep when extract the files, if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --INSTALL_DEFAULT_SHOTCUT    INSTALL_DEFAULT_SHOTCUT    check if add shortcut for default, if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --INSTALL_DEFAULT_AUTORUN    INSTALL_DEFAULT_AUTORUN    check if add auto run for default, if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --INSTALL_EXECUTION_LEVEL    INSTALL_EXECUTION_LEVEL    execution level(admin/user), if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --INSTALL_MODE_ALL_USERS     INSTALL_MODE_ALL_USERS     install mode(all/current), if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --INSTALL_DOWNLOAD_BASEURL   INSTALL_DOWNLOAD_BASEURL   download base url for online install, if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --PRODUCT_LEGAL              PRODUCT_LEGAL              product legal, if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi
  --PRODUCT_PUBLISHER          PRODUCT_PUBLISHER          publisher info, if None, we will use the definition in soft_setup.nsi

Specific explanations for each parameter are as follows:

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Purpose Remarks
--log_dir str Specifies the path for log writing If not specified, logs will be printed to the console
--project_name str Name of the packaged project Corresponds to the template name used, e.g., leeqia_moutian for the High Mountain version
* Required field
--package_mode int Packaging mode Used to specify the packaging method: 1: 7z decompression mode, 2: non-7z mode, 3: create online installer
* Required field
--need_sign bool Whether to sign the uninstall and install programs Default is False, if specified as True, code signing configuration is also required
--build_for_electron bool Whether to package an electron program Default is False
--electron_build_path str Directory for packaging electron programs Required if build_for_electron is True
--generate_latest_file bool Whether to generate the latest.yml for electron-updater Default is False
--files_toinstall_name str Local packaging directory name for nsNiuniuSkin Default is FilesToInstall, can be left unspecified
--auto_write_uninst bool Whether to automatically generate the uninstall program during installation Default is False, programs generated this way cannot be signed, it is recommended not to specify
--uninst_file_name str Uninstall program filename Default is uninst.exe
--src_files_dir str Source directory to be packaged If specified, files from this directory will be copied to our local packaging directory during packaging,
ignored when build_for_electron is True
--PRODUCT_NAME str Name of the packaged product Used for shortcuts, start menu, and installation interface in Chinese mode
--PRODUCT_NAME_EN str English name of the packaged product Used for shortcuts, start menu, and installation interface in English mode
Note: If adding a new language, parameters need to be expanded in package.py or set in soft_setup.nsi
--INSTALL_OUTPUT_NAME str Name of the generated installation package Required when build_fore_electron is False, also used during signing
--PRODUCT_VERSION str Product version number Version number
--EXE_NAME str Name of the main program to be installed Used in shortcuts, start menu, etc.
--INSTALL_LOCATION_KEY str Registry key to save the installation path Used to find the installation directory before software installation, default is InstPath, for Electron programs specify as InstallLocation
--PRODUCT_PATHNAME str Key to save software installation identification in the registry Used for saving software and uninstallation information
--INSTALL_APPEND_PATH str Directory name to append during installation  
--INSTALL_DEFALT_SETUPPATH str Default installation path for the software  
--TEST_SLEEP int Whether to add a delay during the decompression process Default is 0, indicating no delay; 1 indicates adding a delay
--INSTALL_DEFAULT_SHOTCUT int Whether to enable adding shortcuts by default Default is 0, indicating not enabled
--INSTALL_DEFAULT_AUTORUN int Whether to enable auto-start by default Default is 0, indicating not enabled
--INSTALL_EXECUTION_LEVEL str Installation package permissions none/user/highest/admin, default is admin
--INSTALL_MODE_ALL_USERS str Installation for all users or the current user all/current, this parameter is related to the previous one, please pay attention
--INSTALL_DOWNLOAD_BASEURL str Base URL for downloading data packages of online installer Required if creating an online installer
--PRODUCT_LEGAL str Version information Example: Leeqia Copyright(c) 2020
--PRODUCT_PUBLISHER str Publisher information Example: Company Name

3.2 More Parameter Explanations

3.3 Python Command Line Packaging Example

For example, to package a program with the following specified information:

The command line parameters for packaging would be:

python package.py --package_mode=1 --project_name=leeqia_mountain --PRODUCT_NAME=Test Software --PRODUCT_VERSION=0.5.0 --EXE_NAME=Test.exe --INSTALL_OUTPUT_NAME=Test_Setup.exe --src_files_dir=C:\unpacked_files

If there are more parameters to specify, append them accordingly.

3.4 How to Use Python Command Line for One-time Configuration, Applied Directly Afterwards

After reading this section, you might have noticed that the steps to manually configure the soft_setup.nsi file in the first section can be completely abandoned. You can directly use this command line approach for packaging. Even if the information is relatively fixed, you can save this command line parameter in a batch file.


To use the python.py command line script, python3 needs to be installed in the packaging environment.

4. Notes on Electron Program Packaging

For packaging Electron programs, we support generating latest.yml compatible with electron-updater for automatic updates of Electron programs.

Before packaging Electron programs, we need to consider the following questions and form correct configurations based on the conclusions:

You also need to consider how to configure the following parameters:

Feature Configuration Parameter Suggestion (Try to match the original installation package configuration as much as possible)
Install for all users --INSTALL_MODE_ALL_USERS Suggested to install for all users, pass 'all,' and also consider the permissions of the old Electron program
Start with administrator privileges --INSTALL_EXECUTION_LEVEL Suggested to start with administrator privileges, pass 'admin,' and also consider the permissions of the old Electron program
Software installation identifier --PRODUCT_PATHNAME Pass the GUID configured in electron-builder
Registry key for installation path --INSTALL_LOCATION_KEY Pass 'InstallLocation'
Generate latest.yml --generate_latest_file Pass 'True'

Based on the issues encountered by previous clients when packaging Electron programs, areas prone to errors are as follows, hoping it will be helpful:

Issue Cause Solution
No GUID in package.json, resulting in failure to read The GUID is the software identifier in the registry, and each installation package needs a unique value. In some projects, the packaging configuration is not entirely in package.json, and in some cases, the guid property is not set. This leads to failure to read it during nsNiuniuSkin packaging and cannot be correctly written to the registry. In this case, generally solve as follows:
a) If it is set but not in package.json, pass it directly from the command line parameters
b) If not specified in electron-builder and you don't know what the original key is
In this case, you need to use 7zip to unzip the installation package generated by electron-builder, find this value in its nsi script, and pass it to us via the command line.
Of course, this is generally used when an installation package has been released before using nsNiuniuSkin, and you need the new installation package to have consistent configurations with the old one. Otherwise, just pass a value that you think is unique and correct.
The packaged installation package is larger than the one packaged by electron-builder This generally indicates a problem with the incorrectly specified package_mode Specify package_mode as 1
The packaged installation package cannot recognize the path previously installed by electron-builder a) Inconsistency between current user and all user configurations
In electron-builder's configuration, there is usually a configuration for whether to install perMachine, indicating installation for all users. The default configuration in nsNiuniuSkin is for all users. If these two configurations do not match, it will not be read.
b) Inconsistency in the key value of the installation location in the registry
nsNiuniuSkin defaults to InstPath in the registry for the installation location, while the program packaged by electron-builder uses InstallLocation
c) Inconsistency in the software identifier in the registry
The registry key of nsNiuniuSkin installation package is inconsistent with that of the program packaged by electron-builder
Pass the correct values
After packaging is complete, find that the size and sha512 value in the generated latest.yml do not match the actual installation file After the packaging process generates the latest.yml, the installation package file is modified again In our packaging process, the final step is to generate the latest.yml, meaning that any changes to the installation package after this (such as code signing) will make the information in the latest.yml no longer correct.
We recommend configuring the certificate into our packaging process, which can effectively solve this problem and also sign the uninstaller to prevent false positives.
Alternatively, if you sign the installation package separately, you need to generate the latest.yml again based on the signed file.

5. NSIS Functional Script Modification Guide

We have written the complete installation functions into the setup_control.nsh script. Normally, you don't need to modify scripts here. Some key functions in the setup_control.nsh file include:

Function Name Main Function Description
DUIPage Installation entry script for initializing information
un.DUIPage Uninstallation entry script
BindUIControls Bind buttons and other response events
ShowMsgBox Display secondary child window
OnBtnInstall Installation main process control
CustomizeInstall Additional custom installation behaviors

If there are additional features to be added during the installation process, you can extend them under the CustomizeInstall function in setup_control.nsh, such as installing .NET Framework. This function will run under BGWorker, so you don't have to worry about the installation interface freezing.

6. File Code Signing Guide

Code signing plays a crucial role in software distribution and preventing false positives. In the Sign directory, we have placed basic script information for signing. You only need to replace some key information in signfile.bat and provide certificate and password details. Specify need_sign as True during packaging.


1) If your signing certificate does not follow our method by default, you need to modify Sign.bat to ensure that it can sign correctly without breaking the parameter reception.

7. Conclusion

Hopefully, this configuration guide helps you quickly set up a customized packaging script for your project. The key is to understand the order of command-line parameters in package.py and the macro definitions set by NSIS.

In the installation process, a beautiful UI often leaves a more profound impression on customers about the installed product, reflecting the software service provider's focus and dedication to user experience! We hope our efforts can make packaging easier and more enjoyable!

May there be no difficult installation packages in the world!

Copyright © 2015 - 2023 SHENZHEN LEEQIA TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD All Rights Reserved